Wednesday, December 19, 2012


first real post!

earlier this year, i bought my first bling phone case - and i've been hooked ever since. it's also extended to lots of other things! although i'm nowhere near a decoden expert, i do love making sure that certain colours reflect in the packaging that i choose. i also enjoy function over form when it's absolutely necessary.

mostly, i love pastels, with different shades of pinks, blues and purples. i love anything sparkly, even if it's small!

i've linked to where i bought each item. all except the juicy phone accessory were purchased on ebay. i really, really love simple and pretty d.i.y projects. the jelly cases don't really count as one though, LOL. mostly they're for organizing - pink is for camera, hot pink is for phone, and blue is for my ever-growing collection of USBs (i have like... 200 gb worth of USB space which is good because i'm a virtual pack rat).

here's a closeup of my phone:

super happy that juicy couture starts with a J, haha. xx